2 分钟的阅读量

Avive Connect AED

Avive Connect 自动体外除颤器


Sudden cardiac arrest kills over 350,000 people every year in the U.S. alone; unfortunately, survival rates have remained at around 10% for decades. Avive is changing the paradigm of response to cardiac arrest emergencies by building a connected platform that empowers bystanders to help and facilitates closer collaboration between emergency responders and healthcare providers. To achieve this, Avive has developed a rapid-response program called the 4-Minute City that involves strategically placing Avive’s automated external defibrillators throughout a city embedded with its connected platform coupled with community training.

仅在美国,每年就有超过 350,000 人死于心脏骤停;不幸的是,几十年来,存活率一直保持在10%左右。Avive正在通过构建一个连接平台,赋予旁观者帮助的能力,并促进紧密合作的应对心脏骤停紧急情况的范式转变,以及紧急响应人员和医疗保健提供者之间的更紧密合作。为了实现这一目标,Avive开发了一项名为“4分钟城市”的快速响应计划,该计划涉及在城市各处策略性地放置Avive的自动体外除颤器,并嵌入其连接平台,配合社区培训。

Portrait Mobile – Mobile patient monitoring system

Portrait Mobile – 移动病人监护系统


Portrait Mobile is a patient-monitoring solution for hospitals that offers continuous monitoring and a real-time view of patient status at the bedside as well as through remote viewers. It also optimizes care by supporting patient mobility. Portrait Mobile is a high-quality medical technology system that puts the focus on patient comfort and professional ease of use. The clean and soft form of the device promotes patient comfort, and the easy-to-clean design reflects a visual experience of health and contemporary professional technology.

Portrait Mobile 是一种面向医院的患者监控解决方案,可在床边以及通过远程查看器提供持续监控和实时查看患者状态。它还通过支持患者移动性来优化护理。Portrait Mobile 是一个高质量的医疗技术系统,专注于患者的舒适度和专业的易用性。该设备的干净柔软外形促进了患者的舒适度,易于清洁的设计体现了健康和现代专业技术的视觉体验。

Flyer™ L885 Electric Bike

Flyer™ L885 电动自行车


The Flyer™ L885 Electric Bike combines hauling capabilities with a beautifully designed performance vehicle for families. With its speed, durability, and hauling capabilities, this e-bike allows families to get where they need to go with ease and style. The thoughtfully designed accessories, from kid carriers to versatile storage solutions, were made with safety in mind. The L885 reaches a top speed of 20 mph with a range of up to 50 miles. In addition to five levels of pedal assist, the bike is designed with a half-twist throttle that moves riders without pedaling—like having the wind at your back on command.

Flyer™ L885 电动自行车将运输功能与设计精美的家庭高性能车辆相结合。凭借其速度、耐用性和牵引能力,这款电动自行车让家庭可以轻松、时尚地到达他们需要去的地方。精心设计的配件,从儿童背带到多功能储物解决方案,都考虑到了安全性。L885 的最高时速可达 20 英里/小时,续航里程可达 50 英里。除了五个级别的踏板辅助外,该自行车还设计有半扭转油门,无需踩踏板即可移动骑手——就像随时有风在背后助力一样。

TetherLock – next generation tool safety

TetherLock – 下一代工具安全


TetherLock is a tethering system that allows industrial climbers to secure their tools efficiently and safely. By storing unused tools on a base connected to the harness and tethering only the actively used tools, TetherLock streamlines tool handling and reduces clutter. At the core of this is the TetherLock mechanism. The mechanism is integrated into the tools, allowing them to be easily switched out of storage and into active use, and vice versa, in a matter of seconds. During this process, the tool is always connected, which makes it impossible to drop and ensures maximum safety.

TetherLock 是一种系绳系统,可让工业登山者高效、安全地固定他们的工具。通过将未使用的工具存放在与安全带连接的基座上,并仅将经常使用的工具拴在一起,TetherLock简化了工具处理流程,减少了杂乱无章的情况。其核心是 TetherLock 机制。该机制集成在工具中,使它们可以在几秒钟内轻松地从存储状态切换到活动使用状态,反之亦然。在此过程中,工具始终处于连接状态,因此不会掉落并确保最大的安全性。
